- dgCommunities - - Online communities of practice on critical development topics, ver 07-01-11
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Andrey A. Borzykh

Andrey A. Borzykh is a professor at the Russian state social university, Kursk institute of social education. Borzykh finds dgCommunities useful for its newsletters. The platform also enables him to participate in conferences and discussions with other dgCommunity members. He feels that open educational resources help his colleagues and the university program stay in touch with other professionals.


Inter-American Development Bank Youth Program

IDB Youth is the Youth Development and Outreach Program of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). It has been working since 1995 to more effectively meet the needs of young people in Latin America and the Caribbean and promote their active engagement and leadership in regional development. IDB Youth is a cooperating organization in the Youth community.

Bienvenidos a dgCommunities

dgCommunities es un espacio de intercambio para profesionales que trabajan para reducir la pobreza y promover un desarrollo sostenible en el mundo. Compartir conocimientos, contactos y más con miembros en 200 países. Cada comunidad en línea está enfocada en temas específicos y guíada por expertos de campo. Miles de enlaces a recursos de información y útiles servicios para los miembros se encuentran disponibles.

informe especial

Building Momentum for International Climate Change Governance

The urgency of global climate change has put the spotlight on the need for pro-active governance on international environmental policy. Following the 2007 UN General Assembly in September, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called an unprecedented high level meeting on climate change. Even as UN reforms are being implemented, its members are taking steps to put leadership in place for the next round of discussions about climate change measures and global governance for environmental issues. Martha Chouchena-Rojas, head of policy, biodiversity and international agreements for the World Conservation Union, talks with the Development Gateway about some of the governance challenges faced by the UN. More ››

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