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    Этот материал есть дополнение к очерку "Американская загадка" . This message is a addition for the Russian essay "American mistery - 911"

    От редактора "Программы ИНК".

    В октябре 2009 г. на страницах ИНК был опубликован большой критический очерк Г.П.Черепанова "Американская загадка" , посвященный не только научным и инженерным проблемам разрушения башен Всемирного торгового центра в Нью-Йорке в 2001 г., но и проблемам научной этики в анализе событий. В США расследованием событий, предшествующих обрушению Нью-Йоркских башен 11 сентября 2001 года , занимается известный американский журналист Mark H. Gaffney. Он написал несколько книг и серию статей с результатами своего расследования. Недавно он обратился к сотруднику нашей программы ИНК , Г.П. Черепанову, с просьбой изложить свои взгляды по этой проблеме--специально для американской публики. Публикуемый ниже материал представляет его ответ на запрос журналиста. Он публикуется без перевода на русский язык. Для понимания этого обзора вы можете использовать отсылку на сетевой переводчик ниже.

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    Genady P. Cherepanov (Apend.1)
    Honorary Life Member of the New York Academy of Sciences

    This is to summarize my view about the WTC collapse. I thank Mark H. Gaffney (Apend.2) for incentive to do this. He is doing an invaluable service to this society by his investigation of the events preceding the collapse. My own study totally supports his concerns and the necessity of the investigation.

    First of all, who am I and why do I have the right to my judgment? I dedicated my life to fracture science and in my lifetime came across many failure events to study.
    I wrote several books (G.P.Cherepanov, Mechanics of Brittle Fracture, McGrawHill, 1978, 950pp; Elastic-Plastic Problems, ASME Press, 1988, 250pp; Methods of Fracture Mechanics, Kluwer, 1997, 300pp, and a dozen of other books on the subject) and about 300 peer-reviewed papers in the field.
    I was the sole editor of encyclopedia ( FRACTURE, Krieger, 1998 ). According to Who’s Who in America 2010 : my “Achievements include founding of contemporary fracture mechanics based on invariant or path-independent integrals called Eshelby-Cherepanov-Rice integrals and founding of the mechanics of nanofracture”. I was the first to introduce the integrals in fracture science still in 1967 and called them invariant.

    I said this only to emphasize I am NOT a novice in this field. But, when I saw the burning WTC towers on TV I was not terrified, at all, and more concerned with the pervert psychology of suicides---I was absolutely confident that no collapse was possible. I knew building codes for towers took into account both the possibility of fire and an impact of a Boeing. The building codes were based on the best science of civil engineering and a similar event of impact and fire in 1947 in New York did not cause a collapse of the State Empire building.

    The real terror was caused by the sudden collapse of two WTC towers and the 47-story tower, nearby. It happened in about one hour. If I had a slightest suspect of a collapse, I would have made a loud noise to evacuate people and save three thousand lives. Their needless death IS the root of the terror and the task for investigation. To the best of my knowledge, no one of 100,000 PhDs in engineering gave a signal to the government about a collapse during this hour. Everybody was sure nothing that bad could happen.

    That’s why I was amazed when (only in 2005 because I was not engaged in that before this time) I knew about Dr Bazant who asserted he knew the collapse was inevitable as a result of impact, so that on the next day, i.e. on September 12, 2001, he wrote a paper substantiating the inevitability of the collapses and just on September 13, 2001 submitted it to the press (Z.P.Bazant and Y. Zhou, Why did the WTC collapse? J. Eng. Mech., 128(1), p1-6, 2002). This paper is a testimony of where was the civil engineering science in 2001. It provided a scientific basis for government to blame the suicides in killing 3000 people.

    My perusal of Bazant’s paper discovered many severe mistakes in his calculations, false judgments, and incorrect conclusions. I wrote critical comments supported with my calculation and sent them to Bazant. Since then, he and his team have been studying the WTC collapse trying to correct his mistakes and maintain the main point of inevitability of the collapse as a result of the impact. However, this point WAS and IS a mere speculation.

    I have been retired since long ago. I want only to help this country and that’s my only interest. I have no ambition in this business, but to help understand the problem.

    What is wrong in what Bazant&Co. is doing?
    Let me sum up the main objections unanswered by their Theory.


    Genady P. Cherepanov, 2009 г.

    1. Why did the 47-story tower collapse?

    It had not suffered from any impact. It had no tilt and no stresses beyond those intended by design. The stresses were, at least, five times less than those causing failure, due to safety factor. Its design took fire into account, and fire insulation on bearing columns was absolutely intact.
    All high-stress arguments of the Theory do not work here.

    The honest science must start on studying namely this collapse because in this case we have complete information about the condition of bearing columns and entire structure before the collapse. However, Bazant&Co refuse to do with this problem, and I haven’t seen any reasonable scientific explanation of this collapse in literature.
    In this case, I can suggest nothing but a man-produced collapse. Or, a sabotage of the company that built the tower.
    2. Why was the time of each of three collapses equal to the time of free fall?
    The fact of free fall time has been noticed throughout the world since the TV translations of the collapses. The Theory explained this fact by small resistance of bearing columns due to tilt and buckling (see the mentioned paper by Bazant&Zhou). My rigorous calculation proved the Theory was wrong because even for zero resistance of bearing columns the time of progressive failure IS much greater than the free fall time (G.P. Cherepanov, Mechanics of the WTC collapse, Int. J. Fracture, 141, p 287-289, 2006). Any progressive failure is a much slower process than free fall.

    Also, originally I suggested a hypothesis of self-maintaining failure waves that were observed earlier in some brittle materials. However, it appeared to be irrelevant in this case because further exact calculations proved that all collapses started on the floors located significantly lower than the floors hit by terrorists and subjected to fire (G.P.Cherepanov and I.E.Esparragoza, Progressive collapse of towers: the resistance effect, Int. J. Fracture, 143, p 203-206, 2007 ; A hybrid model of WTC collapse, Int. J. Appl. Mech.and Eng., 12(3), p 575-585, 2008).
    The NIST (Apend.3) computer model of progressive failure would also provide excellent agreement with the observed times of collapses if it would use the correct story (below those hit by terrorists) where the process of failure started.

    And so, any study of temperature-induced creep of bearing columns became irrelevant to WTC collapse.

    3. Why is the Theory speculative?

    Suppose the doctor tells that a child will live from two to ninety nine years.
    Would you be happy with such a prediction ?
    I don’t think so.
    Meanwhile, this is so far the only kind of prediction the current theory of high-stress-low-temperature creep is practically capable of giving. In my view, there is no reliable, practical theory of this phenomenon, as yet. And so, any talk about high-stress creep is only a talk and nothing more. It is a speculative subject. And Bazant&Co know that. Retelling a proverb I can say:
    “Wenn Ich CREEP höre, nehme Ich meine pistole!“

    I remind some basic facts of the matter.

    According to NIST studies, only 13% of the total of 287 bearing columns were severed on the critical floor. One can expect about the same share of high-stressed columns subjected to high-stress creep.

    NIST (Apend.3) established that the towers would have survived if all fire insulation had not be stripped . And NIST concluded that all fire insulation was stripped from all 287 columns before the collapse using the study of column fragments after the collapse. It is a wild assumption. I think it was stripped during the collapse.

    My own calculation leads to the conclusion that thermal stresses in steel structure were more important than creep, and that dynamic stresses were much less than those in the Theory.
    The Theory totally ignores thermal stresses which is wrong.

    However, all these highly-speculative subjects needn’t be studied as much as the clear problems indicated in Sections 1 and 2 above. If one really wants to solve the technical mystery of WTC collapse.
    Well, it may lie beyond engineering.

    © 2010. G.Cherepanov
    © 2010. Design, comments. INC-centre.

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    The message was published via INC in 05 March , 2010

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    Apendix 1.

    Genady P. Cherepanov is the founder of contemporary fracture mechanics based on the invariant integral named after him. He is known also as the author of many works in the field of applied mathematics, mechanics and physics of solids, chemical technology and other areas. For 30 years of his work in Soviet Union and 15 years in USA, this Russian scientist witnessed some major scientific developments of the last half of century as an insider and performer. He is one of hundred Honorary Life Members of the New York Academy of Sciences and, according to the American Biographical Institute, one of 500 persons of influence in the 20th century.

    Enciclopedia by Genady Cherepanov

    The story "Scientist's battle" by Genady Cherepanov about the Russian discussion about fracture mechanics and scientific ethics in 1968 (2008, November, Russian text only).

    Г. П. Черепанов является основоположником современной механики разрушения, основанной на инвариантном интеграле, носящем его имя. Он известен также своими работами в области прикладной математики, механики и физики твёрдого тела, химической технологии и других областях. Русский учёный, проработавший 30 лет в Советском Союзе и 15 лет – в США, он стал свидетелем и непосредственным участником нескольких крупнейших научных достижений последнего полувека. Один из ста почётных членов Нью-Йоркской Академии Наук и , согласно Американскому Биографическому Институту, один из 500 личностей, оказавших наибольшее влияние в 20-ом веке. Подробная академическая справка о Г.П. Черепанове, список трудов и достижений на его официальном сайте
    Так начиналась история механики разрушения в России - "Научные сражения" . (2008, ноябрь)
    Литературный очерк о механике разрушения и математике Г.Черепанове за 1979 г. (2009, февраль)
    "В энциклопедиях не значится" - Статья Г.Черепанова из газеты "Правда" за 1984 г. (пуб. фев 2010)
    Очерк о научных сражениях XXI века от Г.Черепанова (2009, октябрь)

    Apendix 2.

    Mark H. Gaffney - изестный американский журналист, изучающий события связанные с крушением башен ВТЦ в 2001 г., Издал книги : "The First Tree of the Day (2002) и "The 9/11 Mystery Plane: And the Vanishing of America" (2008), а также ряд сообщений и статей с уничтожающим критическим анализом докладов должностных лиц правительства США. Основные материалы можно посмотреть на сайте автора - Visit Mark's web site Подробная обобщающая статья с анализом докладов и событий "The NIST Report on the World Trade Center Collapse one year later: Still Dead On Arrival" написана в 2006-2007 г.

    Apendix 3.

    NIST (National Institute for Safety and Transportation) - Национальный Институт Безопасности и Транспортирования США, в котором работают сотни докторов наук (PhD) - специалистов по физике и механике. В августе 2002 Конгресс США уполномочили NIST исследовать крах Центра международной торговли произошедший 9/11-2001г.
    Рейтинг Крупнейший каталог сайтов на HotINDEX.RU от ADStudio.RU Союз образовательных сайтов EduCentral - первый российский образовательный портал Рассылка 'Конфликты в компаниях' Европейская академия Естественных Наук
    1. Примечание автора 2011 г. В 2011 г. американский журналист Mark H. Gaffney , который обращался ранее ко мне за консультациями по вопросам разрушения ВТЦ, прислал мне большой видео-фильм с изложением мнений различных американских экспертов (в основном из NIST -National Institute for Safety and Transportation - Национальный Институт Безопасности и Транспортирования США) относительно странностей официальной версии. Вы можете сами посмотреть это видео по ссылке (на английском языке) .
      Отмечу два факта из этого фильма, поразивших меня, которые не знал ни я ни большинство американцев.
      1) Все обломки зданий были немедленно отправлены в Китай на переплавку, так что анализ НИСТа обломков----фикция. Всё место преступления было очищено задолго до того времени, когда началась работа НИСТа и комиссии.
      2) Основной владелец всех рухнувших зданий -- миллиардер, еврей (Фамилию и источник Г.Черепанов не указал, ИНК), который заработал на страховке что-то около 10 миллиардов долларов.